
Duke nukem 3d completo
Duke nukem 3d completo

Also when it went 3rd Person Duke Nukem: Time to Kill, that game was also execelent. That game was a great esipode in FPS history. I hate when those things hatch and get in my face. Every time I see those eggs I shoot them like CRAZY.

duke nukem 3d completo

I mean seeing a green head pop out of a tub, opening up a door too a room full of those eggs.

duke nukem 3d completo

I had the version for PSX too and I was afraid to play in a Hotel.

duke nukem 3d completo

I loved playing Duke Nukem 3D at my young age, but the game did scare me a bit. My dad was familar with Duke Nukem (2D) on the old PC with the large floppy disc (also had Castle Wolfenstien 3D on it).

Duke nukem 3d completo